Archive for November 27th, 2011

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 11


It’s already Day 11 of the drawing challenge... Today I had to illustrate a turning point in my life. As you can see, the crux of who I am, why I have become the person that I am today, dates back to a crisp December morning in 1999. Yes, the world was aghast with terror about the looming Y2K thing, tamagatchi was the talk of the town, yo-yoing (both regular and extreme) were actually a thing that people did, girls were going ape shit over the backstreet boys while putting glitter gel on their faces, George Lucas had made the conscious decision to ruin Star Wars for everyone, and J. Lo was still from the block.

None of that mattered. No, this is the day that I got my first, my very own, my exquisite revolving pleather executive computer chair. And the rest? The rest is history…

Hangover Solution

Look at his face. He stands behind this 100%.



Drinking is the national past-time in Korea, so it’s only natural that someone would come along with a variety of hangover cures. Sorry, solutions. This one, according to the translation, is “strongly recommended for: Businessmen who need to entertain clients, people who drink frequently on business or are exposed to excessive drinking, executives on a night out with friends but need to wake up fresh the next morning, and people who HATE A HANGOVER.” End quote.

See what they did there? This is a drink for businessmen doing businessman things. I suppose it’s a good way to pretend that this isn’t for regular drunks, although they may be the people who HATE A HANGOVER. Yes, that was in caps on the website.

It’s some sort of brown herb concoction that tastes similar to prune juice with a strange bite at the end. Supposedly whatever enzymes are in it help to breakdown alcohol, so if you drink it before you start drinking, it’s hard to get drunk (who would actually want that?), so if you drink it while drinking you can sober up, and if you drink it before bed/in the morning you can combat the hangover.

Of course it tastes like hell, but it is indeed the magic bullet it claims to be. Tried, tested, and true.

Now why isn’t this available in the states? I feel like you could make a killing in the university market.