Holiday Sweater Round-up

Back when I was doing time in retail, the tradition was to wear the worst sweater possible for all of December with a straight face. The more bells and whistles (literally and figuratively) the better. It would culminate into an ugly sweater theme party with prizes (vodka).

Christmas isn’t as big a holiday here as it is in the west, but they do favor ugly sweaters more. Unfortunately I haven’t found anything suitable to sarcastically wear in front of  my 6th grade classes. We had to settle for a WTF-does-that-mean?-sweater theme for our last holiday party (mine said “Boston Massachubatts, est 1600″ but I think the winner’s said something about meatpuppets”)

In lieu of wearing an atrocity of wool and polyester this year, I’ve spent the last three minutes google image searching for ghastly sweaters. Here are a few winners:

  1. December 1st, 2011

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